Help give the miracle of sight-saving cataract surgery in the world’s poorest places so adults and children, like Yasodha, can live life to the full…
Please send your sight-saving gift today!

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.” – Matthew 6:22
Picture Yasodha in her classroom in Nepal…
…a happy, outgoing 8-year-old girl who dreamed of joining the police when she grew up.
But, something was wrong.
She could not see the words her teachers wrote on the board – no matter how close she sat or how hard she squinted.
She was scared of what this meant, and suffered in silence, afraid to admit the truth – even to herself.

“I have to bend down while writing. It is difficult. At first, I didn’t tell anyone. But after my teacher asked me, I told her… I cannot see properly.”
With your caring miracle gift of sight today, you can help take away the cataracts that cloud the eyes of children, like Yasodha, and change their lives forever.
There’s no time to lose.
Children like Yasodha need urgent surgery, because their brains are still developing. If they have to wait too long, their brains will forget how to translate light into sight.
And they will go blind. Forever.
Please prayerfully consider sending your gift as soon as you can so that your kindness can go to work helping adults and children like Yasodha…
…before it’s too late.
Amit, Yasodha’s father, truly hoped and prayed that a kind-hearted person like you, would give sight back to his little girl.

As a loving, single father, Amit was absolutely heartbroken at seeing his daughter struggling to read or move around the house.
In his own words, he said…
“When she was six years old, we knew from her school teachers about her eye condition. It was challenging for her to see letters even from a close distance. I noticed a white colour in her right eye. The Doctor told us that it had been there since birth. After realising that, I knew Yasodha would need an operation – but how could we afford this?”
Amit is the sole earner for the family and also cares for his sick and aging mother.
But his salary as a security guard can barely buy enough food, let alone pay for the cataract surgery Yasodha urgently needed.
“Because of our poor economic condition, I’m not able to take her for treatment. I’m the only one supporting the family. I feel bad because I cannot afford the surgery.”
It was a difficult situation, and with every day that passed, the risk to Yasodha was growing.
Not only was she at risk of losing her sight permanently, she was also missing out on important milestones that every child needs and looks forward to.
Playing with friends…
Progressing at school…
Learning how to navigate risk, danger, and overcome barriers…
At only 8-years-old, Yasodha was still just a child. But she was old enough to start worrying about what her future would be like if she was blinded by cataracts.
Our heart breaks for children like little Yasodha – and we know yours does too.

No child should ever have to go needlessly blind.
And with the generosity of caring people like you, we can work together to help adults and children, like Yasodha.
Please will you prayerfully consider sending your miracle gift of sight today, so more children like Yasodha can see again, reach their dreams, and fulfil their potential.
The truth is, children like Yasodha can’t wait much longer.
Their situation is urgent. If they don’t receive surgery soon, the damage could be irreversible.
Children like Yasodha may never complete their schooling, realise their dreams, or live life to the full.
However… we are encouraged when we think of wonderful, kind supporters like you, because we know that if enough of us act in time, we can bring the miracle gift of sight to children and adults who need us most.
Our ability to do such good work together reminds me of the grace that comes to all of us through our acts of kindness in the world.
As it says in 2 Corinthians 9:8…
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Your good work of restoring sight to children like Yasodha will abound, and has the power to help so many more adults and children like her.
So please send your miracle sight-saving gift as soon as you can to help precious children and adults overcome the heart-breaking cycle of poverty and disability for good.
And thank you, always, for your kind and caring heart.
Please prayerfully consider sending your life-changing miracle gift of sight today, to help someone, like Yasodha, see the world in all its glory once more, and seize all of the wonderful opportunities God has placed in their path. Thank you so much. May God bless you.

The incredible impact people like you can have was witnessed by two CBM ambassadors, when they travelled to the cbm-funded Biratnagar Eye Hospital.
Watch the video to hear what Lucy and Danielle had to say when they saw a young boy receiving sight-saving cataract surgery.