Children, love your eyes

Children celebrate World Sight Day in Papua New Guinea.

As World Sight Day was celebrated globally on 10 October, cbm NZ was thrilled to support several of our partners in Papua New Guinea (PNG). This year the theme was “Children, love your eyes” focusing on eliminating the stigma around corrective eyewear.

Staff from the cbm-partnered Goroka Eye Clinic, Mt Sion Inclusive Education Resource Centre and the cbm PNG Country office took the opportunity to run screening in six schools and the University in Goroka over four days. The event was a huge success, with 1,335 people having their eyes screened, many for the first time. 201 people were issued with glasses at no cost which will have a significant positive impact on their schooling and university education. Another 116 people were referred to the Goroka Eye Clinic for further treatment.

At each school, the team shared messages about how to care for eyes and what to do if they experience any visual changes. These activities were supported through the cbm Women’s Empowerment programme which began in July this year, with funding from the Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Cooperation Partnership and generous cbm supporters in New Zealand.

Thank you for helping to transform lives, so adults and children may reach their full potential.

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