Because of people like you… farmers like Mosa can sow the seeds of a stronger future.
Before, Mosa’s life was so hard that his spade doubled as his walking stick. Now, his life is transformed and looking brighter every day… all because of you!
Thanks to the kindness of people like you, Mosa has bought a sheep and a Zebu, which is similar to a cow, giving his family vital nutrients and a source of income.
Mosa was able to do this because compassionate people like you provided him, and other families like his, with cash gifts to buy essentials.
By putting cash directly into the hands of struggling people like Mosa, you give them the power to make their own decisions about what they and their family specifically need. In this way you help them generate income, become more self-sufficient and survive the life-threatening drought.
And their local economy is getting a boost too – all because of compassionate people like you.
Because of people like you… starving families finally have food – and a way to grow more. They have been provide immediate care and life-saving food, water and medication, and also helped re-green the land and rebuild communities.
Because of people like you… vast areas of Madagascar are receiving reforestation. Reforestation is reducing the impact of drought, and helping local farmers to build famine resilience for the future.
Because of people like you… water is getting to where it’s needed most. Hundreds of families now have secure piped water sources. Finally they have safe water to drink, and can water their crops!