The incredible impact people, like you, are having was witnessed by two CBM ambassadors recently, when they travelled to the cbm-funded Biratnagar Eye Hospital.
Here is what Lucy and Danielle had to say when they saw a young boy receiving sight-saving cataract surgery:
“We truly are witnessing a miracle here. They’ve just popped the new lens in. This little boy’s life is about to change forever. And not only that, the generations to come after him. He gets to now be educated, therefore his children can be educated. This is how we start to shift poverty. It’s miraculous…” says Lucy.
“It’s emotional because I’ve heard so many people say that poverty is too big, we can’t do anything. But we can… by giving… we seriously could see humanity shift for the greater good,” says Danielle.
“It’s miraculous. I’m so passionate about cbm because they change people’s lives! This place started in a mud hut, with one man, and now there’s a thousand operations a day,” says Lucy.
Watch the full video below, where you will see these two women overcome with emotion as they watch this young boy receive the Miracle of Sight.