Please help give the Miracle of Sight to adults and children, like Kyle, in the world’s poorest places…
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Right now, we have a chance to stop it. In fact, this opportunity is so powerful, we can’t afford to miss it.
When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up? 7-year-old Kyle from the Philippines said, “I want to play basketball.”
But his dreams were slipping away… because he was going needlessly blind from cataracts.
Yet there’s still hope for children like him…
Please will you prayerfully consider sending a generous sight-saving gift today.
And it’s because of kind-hearted people like you who give so generously to help adults and children, like Kyle, that they can receive the vital sight-saving cataract surgery they need.
You might be surprised to hear how Kyle got his cataracts – because it was something so unbelievably simple.

One day, when he was playing with his friends, they ran through some trees. Small twigs from these trees scratched Kyle’s eyes, causing damage.
It happened in a matter of seconds, but it was enough to change his life.
Kyle’s mum, April, remembered how she felt seeing her much loved son hurt…
“We were afraid of him not being able to see again. So we brought him to the doctor for his eyes to be checked. We found out that it was cataracts.”
In fact, the doctor diagnosed Kyle with ‘traumatic cataracts’, which is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens after an injury.
As you can imagine, April and her husband Edmond were in shock after visiting the doctor.
How could it be that Kyle was once running around like all the other children in their village, and then, their precious child was going blind from cataracts?
You’re probably thinking that this sort of accident could happen to any child who loves to run around outside!
But the difference is that if this happened here in New Zealand, a child would receive immediate surgery to treat the cataracts. The damage would be repaired right away… saving their sight before it was lost.
But, sadly, surgery was not an option for Kyle.
His family can barely earn enough money to buy food to survive each day. There was simply no extra money for them to pay for the surgery Kyle urgently needed.
April shared how they were desperately praying for someone kind-hearted to reach out and help their son…
April and Edmond love their little boy with all their hearts, and they could not bear to watch on helplessly as Kyle lost his sight.
“We were fearful about our son’s condition, and we sought help for him. We could not afford to pay for surgery for Kyle. We prayed with all our hearts that somebody could be used by God, to help us with our child’s cataracts.”

Adults with dreams in their hearts, but especially children, who have a whole lifetime of hopes and dreams ahead of them.
Too many adults and children, like Kyle, are going needlessly blind from treatable cataracts.
Please will you prayerfully consider sending a generous sight-saving gift to help adults and children with cataracts in the world’s poorest places.
You will be pleased to know that, despite Kyle’s injury, he was still going to school – trying his best to keep up.
But how much longer could he study when he struggled to see in class every day. Kyle said…
“It was becoming so hard and I wanted my eyesight to get better.”
It’s heartbreaking to hear that this sweet little boy was losing his hope.
And it’s sad that Kyle’s eyesight would only continue to get worse if his cataracts were not treated urgently.
Please send your sight-saving gift today. Sight is so vital to the survival of a child like Kyle.
Early intervention is necessary for the surgery to fully restore Kyle’s sight. Every day, especially in the early years of brain development, a child can permanently lose the ability to see perfectly, even if sight is restored.
That is why it’s so important to send a gift as soon as you can. The sooner your generous gift arrives, the sooner it will help a child, like Kyle, to get the kind of early intervention they need.
Just think what your generous gift will do for adults and children, like Kyle, who are trapped in a cycle of poverty and disability.
Kyle’s parents desperately hoped to see Kyle finish his studies – because they knew what this meant for his future.
It would mean he could grow up to get a job, be able to earn money to provide for himself, and have the best chance to achieve his dreams.

But none of this could happen if Kyle didn’t receive the miracle of sight-saving cataract surgery to save his sight.
April held back tears as she talked about what she and Edmond hope for…
“We just wanted Kyle to be able to enjoy life, like the other kids, going to school and playing. Our fear was that he would become blind and not be able to see at all.”
But thanks to generous people like you, April and Edmond did not need to worry. Their prayers were answered. Kyle was able to receive sight-saving cataract surgery at a cbm-funded hospital to remove his blinding cataracts.
When the bandages came off Kyle’s eyes, oh what joy! Kyle grinned from ear to ear. April and Edmond thanked God for His generous provision through kind-hearted people like you.
Kyle is now looking forward to continuing his schooling, playing with his friends, and most importantly of all, playing basketball again.
This is the incredible impact people like you can have in the lives of children and adults with avoidable blindness!
Your gift today can help transform lives by allowing people to live independently, and most importantly, help to break the cycle of poverty and disability.
Today there are more adults and children in need of urgent sight-saving cataract surgery to remove their blinding cataracts.

Please will you prayerfully consider sending a generous gift to give the miracle of sight to more adults and children, like Kyle.
This is an incredible opportunity to let God minister through you to help people who are going needlessly blind from treatable cataracts.
Because of generous people like you, they will not become depressed and isolated, having to give up their dreams, and rely on family members and others for care their entire lives. Instead, your generosity today can help bring the miracle of sight-saving cataract surgery to adults and children living in poverty.
Your gift will help give them a brighter future, so they can prosper and not be harmed, so they will have hope and a future. And a chance to put severe poverty behind them. Thank you for your kind and caring heart.
Kyle was like any other child with hopes and dreams for his future. His dream was to play basketball but when playing with friends, small twigs got into his eyes and caused traumatic cataracts to grow.
Without sight-saving cataract surgery, Kyle’s future was bleak. But because of generous people like you, he didn’t have to give up his childhood dreams.
Please will you make it possible for children, like Kyle, to have their sight restored, so they can follow their dreams and overcome the cycle of poverty and disability.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and for sending your generous gift today.