A gift in your Will can help change lives forever and continue making a difference for the generations to come.
“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5.
The John 1:5 Bible verse reminds us that Jesus came to be the eternal light, and that we are also called to be the light to our broken world.
We are humbled by the love and kindness you continue to give to help transform the lives of adults and children with disabilities in the world’s poorest places. Your faithful compassion and support over the years is a rich blessing, and so close to the heart of God.
There is another way you can continue your vital support, and that is by including a gift in your Will to cbm. After ensuring your loved ones are provided for, would you prayerfully consider blessing the ministry you dearly support through cbm, by leaving a gift in your Will?
When considering a gift in Will, many people mistakenly think that leaving a gift means you need to leave a large amount. This is far from the truth. You need only give what you can freely give, after your loved ones are taken care of. It can be as little, or as much as you decide.
Mary and Stuart, two of our loyal supporters, have already included cbm in their Will and share their heartfelt motivations for doing so.
“Just the thought of continuing to bless others in need, and especially people suffering with the stigma of poverty as well as disability, by way of leaving a bequest to cbm in our Will after we’ve gone, fills my husband Stuart and I, with great joy. The mission of cbm remains even more vital and necessary now as we are all facing uncertain world economies and fragile environments, which impact considerably on people with the greatest need. The use of cbm’s daily prayer diary provides a deeper understanding of the day to day needs and introduces some of the dedicated people involved with cbm, who are committed to being God’s “hands and feet”. Along with this, the prayer diary also provides us with the blessings of praying with these faithful people through God’s transforming Word. It is a great comfort to know that hand in hand with our prayers, the gift in our Will to cbm will assist in supporting and indeed transforming the lives of adults and children with disabilities, living in the world’s poorest places.” – Mary and Stuart, supporters since 2009
Without the compassion of faithful cbm supporters like Mary and Stuart, who include cbm New Zealand in their Will, many of the poorest of the poor would miss out on sight-saving operations, on life-saving and life-changing health care, and on access to education and livelihood programmes that can lift them out of poverty.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and for considering a gift in your Will to cbm to help transform the lives of future generations. Click here to learn more.