Gum was born with severe knock knees. He is a much-loved younger son to his mother Aciro.
Gum lives in the heart of a bustling slum in Uganda’s capital city Kampala. The tightly packed houses, with their cracked walls and broken roofs, have formed a labyrinth of narrow alleys. The air is thick with the smell of cooking fires, and the sound of children’s laughter mixes with the hum of street vendors hawking their wares. It is a place where life is hard, and survival is a daily struggle. Yet, for Gum, it was the only world he knew.
His mother first noticed his legs were bending inwards when he was just a baby. She felt helpless as she didn’t know where to turn for help, and hoped that it would go away as he grew, but it never did.
Gum’s condition limited his interactions with other children, and he was unable to attend school with his peers. He often watched the other children as they left for school, wishing he could join them. But his knock-knees made it difficult for him to walk long distances, let alone attend school.
It broke his mother’s heart to see him struggle each day, and she wished she could afford the surgery so that he could then attend school.
Thanks to generous people like you, Aciro didn’t need to worry so much about Gum’s future.
There was hope for Gum.
At the cbm-partnered hospital called CoRSU – for Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services for People with Disability in Uganda – the lives of thousands of children like Gum are changed.
It is an amazing oasis of healing… warm welcome… and world-class care.
Aciro was stunned. She said, “All these children had all these disabilities. Now they look happy and well.”
The generous gifts regularly given, make this wonderful work possible.
Gum went there for surgery first, followed by many months of leg-shaping exercises at home.
“Rest assured,” said the orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ahmed, “we will be by his side every step of the way.”
The surgical team focused intently, on a fascinating procedure. Small metal plates were fixed onto Gum’s leg bones, to slowly bring his knees into alignment over time. The operation was a great success.
Aciro’s joy was overwhelming!
Gum spent two weeks at CoRSU learning a new way to walk. His bones began to shift – and it hurt. Dr Ahmed said, “He fought through. He was a brave little man.”
Gum knew his legs were changing. For the first time, he can play with a ball – and with other children.
And he was able to experience something very special. A classroom.
When they returned home, there was a huge celebration of hope for Gum’s bright future. His new life was beginning. They sung and danced for joy.
Aciro is so grateful to people like you. “I know this came from God,” she said, adding: “I want to thank those people for what they have done. The mockery and laughing will stop. We shall live in peace.”
Gum has returned to CoRSU several times, for rehabilitation to strengthen leg muscles; release tightness; and improve his gait.
Mum says, “Before … the other children didn’t want to play with him. Now it’s ‘come and play football.’”
Best of all, Gum can now go to school. Mum said, “I can hardly believe it. He’s a different boy. His head is high and he is very tall.”
The generous gifts regularly given, have enabled Gum to receive life-changing surgery and rehabilitation. His mother could never afford to do this.
Thank you for helping make impossible dreams come true.
This one child represents the many children you can help when you become a cbm child Sponsor. You will enjoy seeing the impact your generosity can have on the lives of children, like Gum.
Become a cbm Child Sponsor today and help more vulnerable children, like Gum, with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places.