Adrienne likes to make a difference wherever she can – especially to people who are less fortunate than herself. As a longtime supporter of cbm, when the time came recently for her 80th birthday, she did not need any more gifts. But what she did want to do was help mothers in Nigeria suffering with the debilitating condition of obstetric fistula. A condition that can see mothers ostracised for years from their loved ones and communities.
Adrienne wanted to celebrate her special day with family and friends, plus she wanted to give them the opportunity to support mothers reached by cbm’s fistula programme in Nigeria.
In the weeks ahead of the special day Adrienne prepared yummy treats for the guests. Soups, buns, finger food and birthday cake for dessert. On the day, two daughters came to help, plus three grandsons also joined in the occasion. Bruce from cbm provided information on obstetric fistula, along with a donation box.
Many of Adrienne’s friends popped in to say hi, shared in the hospitality and passed on their birthday wishes. People came throughout the day, joining in for morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea. A number left generous donations in support of cbm’s obstetric fistula programme.
It was a wonderful day of celebration for Adrienne, plus she helped raise over $1,700 in support of mothers in Nigeria suffering with the shame and isolation of obstetric fistula. Support that will bring them renewed hope for a better future.
Happy Birthday Adrienne! Thank you so much for your kind and generous heart. Would you like to celebrate your special occasion in this way? Without gifts, but instead providing a life-changing gift to people with disabilities in some of the world’s poorest places? Click here to learn more.