…your generosity continues to be a blessing bringing about social, health and economic improvements to people with disabilities and their families in Laos. Providing disability awareness, improved hygiene and sanitation, building access to health services, and important livelihood business training.
Due to an accident in 2019, Kiane, from Laos, is blind in one eye. As a result of his disability he has found it more difficult to get steady construction work and he has also lost many friends.
He has a small garden where he grows eggplant, chilli and lettuce.
Thanks to generous people like you Kiane has received training on disability rights and emotional management. This training has helped him to become more hopeful, confident and not embarrassed anymore by his disability. He has also learnt valuable skills managing a business and caring for livestock.
Kiane has also received two goats initially and then an additional three goats. He enjoys caring for these animals, and by carefully raising them he is able to increase his small “herd”. The sale of just one goat from his increasing herd would give him enough money to survive for three months.
Kiane leads a 13-member self-help group (SHG) for people with disabilities, helping them to become more independent. As their leader, he gives support to other members, encouraging them to attend the trainings and monitors their progress. In the future, as his confidence increases, he will provide training for others.
Because of the generosity of people like you people in the village are now more aware of the needs of people with disabilities. SHG members understand their rights and are not embarrassed by their disabilities. They feel much more hopeful about the future, confident and independent.
In the future Kiane looks forward to raising more animals, plus advocating and helping others in the village who have a disability.