Help people like Onchan, with the double disadvantage of poverty and disability, to overcome social isolation and discrimination, by supporting key initiatives to help build a more inclusive and equitable community.
Laos is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. A third of the population is currently living below the international poverty line (living on less than US$1.25 per day). Over two-thirds of the population live rurally and the poverty rate in rural areas is almost three times that of urban areas. In 2016, the country ranked 138th on the Human Development Index, indicating low-medium development. According to the Global Hunger Index (2015), Laos ranks as the 29th hungriest nation in the world out of the list of the 52 nations in hunger. Laos has a low life expectancy rate of 64 years for men and 67 years for women.
Adults and children with disabilities are amongst the most marginalised people in Laos, facing higher levels of poverty and other social inequalities due to multiple barriers faced in all aspects of their lives. National census data reports the number of people with disabilities as 2.8% of Laos’s total population, a much lower figure than international benchmarks would suggest (15%). There has been some level of commitment made by the government of Laos to mainstream disability into basic, core services, including; inclusive education, health insurance schemes and the poverty reduction programme. However, the government faces significant challenges in working towards that commitment, largely due to a lack of capacity and resourcing.
- Supporting self-representation and advocacy of people with disabilities to advocate for their rights.
- Building inclusive, resilient, equitable communities in selected districts of Luang Prabang.
- Supporting the establishment of Self-help Groups (SHGs) to strengthen livelihoods.