Because of you… restoring hope and dignity!

Gomang received life-changing obstetric fistula surgery at a cbm-funded hospital in Nigeria.

In Nigeria, Gomang had a long traumatic labour which resulted in an obstetric fistula. Her uncontrollable bowel movements needed specialist surgery only available in Jos, in the northern part of the country – far away from where Gomang lived. This was way beyond what her family could afford.

But one day she heard on the radio an advertisement for the cbm-funded programme called the Sustainable Family Healthcare Foundation (SFHF)… and that the surgery and aftercare would be provided free of charge!

Hope leapt in Gomang’s heart. She quickly arranged to visit SFHF and was assessed and approved for surgery! Such wonderful news, after such a long and distressing time.

Prior to her prolonged traumatic labour Gomang worked at a food stall – but had to stop working due to her obstetric fistula condition. Customers would turn away because of her smell. In her misery, her disability was also affecting her family economically.

Thankfully, Gomang’s surgery was successful. With her dignity restored, Gomang now looks forward to resuming a normal life again. She plans to re-start her business once she has saved enough funds to do so.

Thanks to generous people like you, Gomang received life-changing surgical care from a cbm-funded surgeon. Her leaking has stopped forever! She can again lead a productive life, and be welcomed by family, friends and the wider community.

Thank you for your kind and caring heart.